Monday, April 9, 2012

14weeks 5days

Today was my appointment with the OB.  Everything was nice and normal.  Heartbeats were great.  We talked a little about my amnio scheduled next week.  He said the big thing I will feel is the cramping but the needle itself feels more like a regular stick (which I'm the queen of needles at this point after all the months with Lupron and PIO so what is a couple more).  However, that regular stick is in my stomach...twice!!  I'll be happy when next week comes and goes.  Anyway, very thankful for an easy quick appointment:) 


  1. I had an amnio with my second baby and it really was no big deal. The though of it is MUCH worse than the actual physical discomfort. Good luck! and Congrats!

  2. Thanks, that is good to hear!
